February 4th was my 23rd birthday. Naturally, a fiesta was in order. My friend Antolin's 34th was at the end of the month so we decided to have a joint birthday party at my apartment. Generally, when it's your birthday (in Spain) you provide the party. For example, if you decide to have everyone meet at a bar to have drinks and tapas, then you're expected to take the bill before moving on to the next bar.
The same goes for house parties. Although in this case, nobody really comes empty handed. The plan was for Antolin to provide the drinks and for me to take care of the food.
I promised everyone that I would make some American food. I provided pasta salad, chocolate chip cookies, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and little chicken sandwiches. They hated the pasta salad, (they don't really do uncooked veggies here) liked the chocolate chip cookies (although they weren't as good as back home because Spanish brown sugar = weird) some peopled liked the PB&J and everyone liked chicken sandwiches.
Additionally, I picked up the ingredients for many of the Spanish favorites. Here you can see Cristina and Carlos the night before the party cooking a Spanish tortilla.
If you don't know what a Spanish tortilla is, don't be fooled. It's nothing like the Mexican one. Spanish tortilla = cut and fry potatoes, then mix in egg and chopped onion mixture, add more olive oil and flip. You can buy them pre-made in the grocery store and it's not uncommon to throw a piece of one between two pieces of bread for a sandwich. Obviously, it's delicious. If you're a picky eater and find yourself vacationing in Spain, order this.
And speaking of the night before the party, my roommate Cristina and I spent hours decorating our apartment. Given the fact that the party was in the middle of February we decided to do a Valentine's Day theme. Everyone was supposed to come wearing red, pink, white or black. Also, each girl was supposed to bring a candle which we planned to use to light the apartment, rather than real lighting. My roommate gets credit for this romantic idea haha.
A few pictures of our apartment before the festivities:
And the fridge...
The party took place on a Thursday. School gets out at 2:30, the festivities began at 3:00. People brought all kinds of food, from croquettes to frog legs.
Below you can see when we started putting out the food:
Victoria with her heart "sandwich cake" creation. Made out of bread, mayo, corn and some other stuff:
Yep, frog legs, a local favorite. They're actually quite tender:
Various pictures from the festivities:
If you think you're seeing some artificial hair in these pictures, you thought right. Somebody busted out some wigs and everyone else just rolled with it! This = why I love these people. By the way, Angel and Alejandro (below) decided to take their "dressing in white" task all the way. Like the jump suits?
We moved our couches out onto our terrace which worked out great - it was a beautiful day!
After everyone was fed and tired of running around in wigs it was time for cake. Below you can see a picture of me with the birthday boy, Antolin.
They sung to us in English and Spanish, hilarious.
What's next? Presents! Here in town, we all pitch in to get something for the birthday boy/girl of the week. Though pitching in for presents as a group is common in the United States as well, I think it is even more so here. I got an adorable dress and a purse to match.
The below picture is not from the party but I'm wearing the dress that I got for my birthday:
Some of my friends back home suggested I take a short video during the party to capture the "ambiance" of the get-togethers in Herrera. In the below clip everyone breaks out into song - always happens, seriously. I can't watch it without smiling.
And to finish up the night, we headed out to our favorite local spots as usual:
Hope you enjoyed it - stay tuned for the next one.